Linux Crontab Format to Schedule Cron job

Crontab is used to schedule scripts, applications and backup to run at given time.

Crontab file fields 

Crontab has 6 fields(first 5 for specifying time and 6th one for executing scripts or command etc.)
The first five fields are separated by either a space or a tab and represent the following units, respectively:

* Minutes {0-59}

* Hour {0-23}

* Day of the month {1-31}

* Month of the year {1-12}

* Day of the week {0-6, 0=Sunday}

crontab Options 

#crontab -e --to edit or configure

#crontab -l -- to list all jobes

#crontab -r -- to remove job  

I will take one example here to explain crontab,suppose I want to execute one script located in /test/ and save the output to /tmp/script.out should be executed every 15th of each month at 11:56pm

#crontab -e   

56 23 15 * * /test/ > /tmp/script.out

here * in month field and week field indicates any month and any week execute this script
Linux Crontab Format to Schedule Cron job Linux Crontab Format to Schedule Cron job Reviewed by TecGeeks News on April 30, 2016 Rating: 5

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